Saturday, January 9, 2010

Abortion Confidentiality If Abortion Rights Are Based On A Woman's Right To Privacy, Then Why Is It Legal For The Gov To Look At Record?

If abortion rights are based on a woman's right to privacy, then why is it legal for the gov to look at record? - abortion confidentiality

I refer to the statement in the "Patriot Act" that the government may seek the medical records of a person. It seems a little backwards to me ... and it is the doctor-patient confidentiality?

Is not the opposite of what you would like a patriot to do?


lee h said...

The Patriot Act is of course a good pun to stop a bit soft "feel, John, what actually happened. Imagine, if classified as" Invasion of the Data Protection Act?

If the law is not a patriot. You're not a patriot, you're not American - then you are a pariah to 100% know the act is a bunch of garbage.

If a woman decides, then they also break the right to privacy and confidentiality are preserved, as it is a very personal and individual.

If people could just wake up and think! How the hell do we go from 9 / 11 attacks, the Patriot Act remedy "for almost all in the privacy and freedom ... to sing very freedom of American politics so happy when it suits them?

Who can see with an IQ in double figures, is just a ploy to undermine the rights of individuals. Zoo world now.

Personally, I think the government should not be in the eyes of all the records allowed by anyone, but isE real question for me is, why?

Brown948... said...

The Patriot Act is simply unconstitutional.

It can not be declared unconstitutional, but was only brought a case before the Supreme Court.

The Bush administration used to collect information respecting it out, not evidence that has been purchased in accordance with law, so it does not burden, is under judicial review to be used.

It's a real piece of work.

ALunatic... said...

Right to privacy is better understood, and in the size of government. The best way to get rid of privacy, is the welfare programs do not have teeth federal authorities Ministry of Education, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Stupidity (most of our branches). To give more money and power that we have the power of our federal government is less than the average. Conservatives vote.

Crossing the Rubicon said...

The Patriot Act is Orwellian fashion and accepted by this government.

There are numerous documents and pieces of shit that human rights legislation has spurred by the current fascist regime, whose name is to destroy anything with the actual goal.

The environment is full of examples.

tehabwa said...

I do not understand why people use the privacy of every word in this context.

My body belongs to me, not the government. Thus, in a free society have the right to make my own decisions about my own body.

The Patriot Act is anti-American, no question.

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